Arpio's Disaster Recovery Solution Protects Your Amazon Aurora Databases from Data Loss and Downtime

Arpio is the industry’s leading disaster recovery solution for applications that run on Amazon Web Services.  Unlike traditional backup and DR tools that focus on protecting your data, Arpio protects your entire environment, making rapid recovery from any outage easy to achieve.

For applications that leverage Amazon Aurora, Arpio protects and recovers the data in your Aurora cluster, as well as the cluster’s configuration, DB parameter groups, and DB subnet groups.  Arpio also protects the security settings, network configuration, and IAM entities that are referenced by the Aurora cluster configuration.

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Amazon Aurora

The Only DR Tool That Natively Understands AWS Workloads

There are many backup and disaster recovery tools on the market, but with few exceptions they were all designed for the pre-cloud era.  They excel at protecting virtual machines, database servers, and file systems and they treat these resources the same whether they’re running on-premises or in the cloud.

Unlike those solutions, Arpio was built with the unique needs of cloud workloads in mind.  It can protect those same entities, and does so by leveraging the native data protection capabilities in AWS.  But it sees beyond just your data, enabling disaster protections for your entire cloud environment.  With one simple tool, your data, infrastructure, and configuration can be protected from cloud outages, human error, and cyber attacks like ransomware.

Arpio includes first-class protection for Amazon Aurora, so that your Aurora-based workloads can be protected and recovered in minutes during any outage.

Achieve Point in Time Backup and Real-time Data Replication

Arpio’s data protections for Amazon Aurora extend the native capabilities built into the AWS platform.  When protecting your Amazon Aurora database clusters, you have the option of using cost-effective database snapshots or high-performance data replication to a database cluster in your recovery environment.  In both cases, Arpio retains historical snapshots of replicated data, enabling you to recover your Aurora database to any point in time prior to a disaster occurring. 

Arpio Automation

Automate Complete Recovery With One Simple Platform

Having a great backup isn’t sufficient – you also need great recovery.  Arpio automates the full recovery of your entire Aurora database cluster.  It also recovers the adjacent infrastructure that your Aurora database integrates with and depends upon.  The net result is that Arpio rebuilds your entire configuration in minutes, from the very latest data, so your workloads can resume operations quickly.

For Aurora databases, Arpio takes recovery a step further by re-creating the network identity of the cluster in the primary environment.  Arpio creates DNS aliases for the reader and writer endpoints of your Aurora cluster, so that clients that connect to the database using the hostnames that Amazon provided in your primary environment can still use those hostnames to connect to the recovered database cluster.  Through this indirection, recovery is completely transparent to the applications running on your infrastructure.

Failback is an Arpio feature that allows you to quickly and easily copy the most recent data from your AWS Recovery Environment back to your Primary Environment

Easily Failback Your Aurora Data After Outages

When an outage is resolved, you’ll likely want to restore service to your original environment.  Arpio automates the complete failback process for your Aurora databases and the other data services in your environment.  But unlike the failover process, where Arpio recovers your infrastructure and your data, this failback process returns just your data to your original infrastructure.

By reusing your original infrastructure during the failback process, your existing business process, CI/CD automation, and infrastructure-as-code can pick up exactly where they left off.

How to Protect Your AWS Aurora Instances in Just 3 Steps

Curious about how to get started protecting your Aurora Service? Set up is easy:

1. Connect Arpio to Your Primary and Recovery Environments

Arpio connects securely to your primary and recovery environments in accordance with AWS best practices for working with 3rd parties. When setting up an application, Arpio will generate CloudFormation templates for you to install in your environment to set up an IAM role-based trust relationship that allows Arpio to manage your disaster recovery.

2. Define Your Recovery Point Objective

Arpio can support a recovery point of mere seconds up to 24 hours, depending on your business needs. Tell Arpio what your recovery point objective is for this application, and our software will do the rest.

3. Select the Resources for Arpio to Replicate

Once connected, Arpio will automatically discover all of the resources in your environment and their dependencies. Just check the boxes by the Aurora database clusters you care about, as well as the other services that support the workload, like the load balancer and EC2 instance, and Arpio will discover the rest.

Once you hit save, Arpio will begin its first backup and start to replicate resources to your recovery environment right away. That’s all you need to do to get set up!

Want to Learn More?

Give us a try or get in touch. We’d love to show you how surprisingly easy disaster recovery for AWS has become.

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